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Understanding the Concept of Peer Tutoring
Mfundo Dzanibe

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Traditional pedagogies have prevailed in the schooling systems across the world despite being challenged by great thinkers such as Pluto, Dewey, Socrates and many others centuries ago. The idea that telling learners what they need to know translates to learning is the widely accepted paradigm and thus informs how teaching and learning is organised. As a result teaching is reduced to one’s ability to explain and explaining well is construed for good teaching. While explaining is an integral part of teaching but is tends to reduce the learning process to unidirectional monologue in which the voice of learners is not given space. What about teaching learners how to learn? Does explaining concepts develop the ability of learners to learn? What about active learner engagement which has been proven to increase attainment and knowledge retention?

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